Innovation Events: ViVE Digital Health Conference

March 28, 2024


Our Innovation and digital products teams, represented by Tom Maddox, Ali Kosydor, and Alex Courtney, attended the ViVE Digital Health conference in LA in February. We attended conference sessions on digital health, met with fellow innovators and digital health leaders from around the country, and had multiple meetings with various digital health vendors. The conference also provided several sessions on patient experience, consumer journey, and patient data.

Key takeaways:

  • Digital solutions have a greater focus on the patient experience, and how it is more important to focus on that for long-term relationships with patients.
  • Patients now view their digital interactions with the system as a core piece to their overall relationships.
  • Digital transformation and innovation efforts are starting to use the product model to define and deliver on digital health.

We look forward to incorporating our learnings and experiences from this conference into our project work this year!

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