Big Ideas Beta: Innovation in Action Reports Recap

February 2, 2024

On January 8, 2024, Big Ideas Grant winners for 2022-23 presented their projects at the 2023 Big Ideas Beta Project Innovation in Action Reports event. Teams were awarded $50,000 to help bring their Big Idea to life. During the presentations, teams focused on their project aims, achievements, challenges, and next steps for taking their Big Idea forward. You can see their presentations here.

Teams presenting at the event were:

Improving Diagnosis of Superimposed Preeclampsia in Pregnant Patients: A Wearable Device for Non-invasive Continuous Monitoring of Fluid Dynamics, PI / Project Lead: Valene Garr Barry

Intelligent Clinical Decision Support for Perioperative Blood Management, PI / Project Lead: Sunny Lou

Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring, PI / Project Leads: Jennifer Schmidt and Jenna Smith

Evaluation and Validation of a Mobile Application for Patient Functional Assessment in Spinal Surgery, PI / Project Lead: Camilo Molina and Miguel Ruiz Cardozo

Care Transition TRUST: Technology to Reinforce Understanding and Support Trust, PI / Project Lead: Mark Williams

Expediting Radiotherapy Initiation via a Simulation Free Workflow, PI / Project Lead: Tianyu Zhao

Sponsored by the Healthcare Innovation Lab (the Lab) and Washington University Institute for Informatics, Data Science and Biostatistics (I2DB), the Big Ideas Competition was created to identify and support high-priority, novel projects from collaborative clinical, operational and research teams that are developing innovations in informatics and health care delivery. Learn more about the Big Ideas Competition at

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